The Jennacubbine Tavern, once known as the Jennacubbine Hotel, was constructed in 1902 by Archie Sydney Webb. These days the Jenna Tavern is well known for its succulent, mammoth steaks, salads full of flavour and friendly service.
With onsite units available you can enjoy a good meal, a few beers and not have to worry about the drive home.
Wednesday to Saturday opening hours 4.00pm to 12.00am
Sunday opening hours 12.00pm to 10.00pm
Steakhouse is open Friday and Saturday Nights from 6.30pm and Sunday from 12.00pm.
To make a booking, give them a call or visit their website to get in contact.
Trew and Ms Michelle Patton
24 Collins Street, Jennacubbine WA 6401
Ph: (08) 9623 2273
FB : Jennacubbine Tavern